En väldigt fin text att läsa under en vigsel! (Via A Thoughtful Day)
A very beautiful reading for the ceremony. (Via A Thoughtful Day)
To marry is to form an equal partnership, tied together by the tenuous bonds of emotion and love. It is at once the most fragile of relationships and the strongest. Fragile because it requires exactly the right mix of freedom and inter-dependence, of caring and of sharing, of being together and of being alone. But it is strong because it involves the unseen forces of something we call love - mutual devotion, concern for the happiness of the other, and joy in each other's company. For there is no stronger force involving human relationships that this silent bond love.
Remember that this wedding day is only a symbol, a celebration, a public recognition of what already exists in the silent places of your hearts. It is your marriage and not something created by the state or the Church - it is yours to define, yours to make real, yours to live. Nothing I can say can make it anything more than what already exists in your hearts. Remember also that marriage is a shared relationship, not a matter of possession. It is a means of showing your commitment to one another, not a blind surrendering of personality. It is not an excuse to become limited in your outlook; it is an opportunity for mutual growth.
24 juni 2008
Meningen med vigseln
18 juni 2008
Kort klänning, färgade skor, matchande bukett+band... Precis som jag vill ha det!
A short dress, coloured shoes, matching ribbon+bouquet... Just the way I want it!
Photo: Amy Squires
11 juni 2008
09 juni 2008
Har en liten bloggpaus just nu pga flytt+jobb. Är väldigt mycket just nu... Här är en liten tavla med lite "naturlig" inspiration! Härligt lugna färger. A wonderful inspirational board from Snippet and Ink
03 juni 2008
Om vi hade gjort som vi först tänkt, att viga oss på ett skepp (som tyvärr brann upp förra veckan), hade denna inspirationstavla passat oss perfekt. (via Snippet and Ink)
If we had done as we first planned, to get married on a ship (that unfortunately burnt down last week), this would have been the perfect inspiration (via Snippet and Ink).
02 juni 2008
Ett "vintage" bröllop
I väntan på att jag ska ha tid att fixa med bilderna från helgens härliga bröllop kommer här lite annan inspiration! Shauna och Jeff hade ett superfint bröllop med en touch av vintage. Exempelvis så bar Shauna sin mormors bröllopsklänning, något jag gärna hade tagit efter om mormors klänning hade funnits kvar.Jag gillar verkligen känslan hos bröllopet och hoppas att vi kommer ha en liknande... (Via Snippet and Ink)
I need some time to sort the pictures from the weekends wonderful wedding, so here is a sneekpeak at a Shauna and Jeff's beautful weedding (via Snippet and Ink) Their wedding had a lovely thouch of vintage and a feeling I'm hoping to create at my own wedding...